Jul 27, 2012

Should People With Chronic Illness Become Pet Owners?

A big thanks to guest blogger Sandra Scott of Simple Living for weighing in on an important topic I have been pondering for quite sometime myself. Although I don't have a dog or cat yet, it is definitely something I'd like to do within the year.
So you want to become a pet owner. The rewards almost always outweigh the amount of work and the risk that your new furry companion may ruin your favorite shoes, rug, or sofa. However, there are a few important factors to consider before committing your time, energy, and income to a new pet.
For starters, consider your personal energy level. If you suffer from a chronic illness, you may also experience pain or debilitating fatigue at times. Would you be able to walk a rambunctious dog everyday? Or would a calm and cuddly feline companion be more suited to your unique needs? Also consider the potentially negative effects of pet dander and fur on your health. As long as you are able to keep your house and pets clean, pet dander probably won’t pose a significant threat to your health (unless you are asthma and allergy prone). If you do happen to be dander-sensitive, consider a cute turtle or even a beautiful array of tropical fish.
Every pet is different, and some require more maintenance and attention than others, but every pet is worth it in their own special way. If you find it difficult to meet your dog’s grooming needs, there are plenty of places to take them in for doggy beauty treatments fairly affordably. That said, it is still important to factor your pet’s potential grooming and veterinary needs into the monthly budget along with their food to determine whether or not you can really afford an animal.
Although experts can’t seem to agree on exactly why this phenomenon occurs, it has been proven that pet owners enjoy better overall health and longevity than their petless peers. I would like to think it has something to do with the power of unconditional love and companionship. Even when your health fails, your pet will remain a loyal companion by your side no matter what. They expect love and attention in return, but as long as you are able to adequately meet the basic needs of your pet (food, water, clean shelter, and some exercise) then getting a creature companion may be a feasible and wonderful option, and may even serve to improve your overall health. Or at the very least, improve your mood. Who wouldn’t love to see a wagging tail and happy grin every time they’re feeling blue and under the weather? As far as I’m concerned, there’s no better way to brighten a day.


  1. It is a lot to consider. I have a 2 year old goldendoodle and she has been a companion during my ups and downs with dysautonomia. She did stay with a trainer as a baby pup so that she came to me with some know how and training classes were a priority. I do also have help, my husband walks her in the evening. I am also on the wait list for a cardiac alert service dog and that will be alot of work for me. I think for those of us with an illness who want a pet it has to be a situation where its a priority (ie, being able to rest most of the day knowing you have doggie class that evening). If you can it is very rewarding.

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience with pet ownership! I love goldendoodles. :) I am excited for you to get a cardiac service dog and wish you the best of luck. I have heard they make a huge difference for people! Please let me know how it works out. :)

  3. quick question the dog in the picture at the top of the page what breed is it?
